LIVE TO GIVE IS AN NGO THAT IS NOT AN NGO. It is a platform that enables the common man to make a difference from the comfort of his home. It works like a 24 hour helpline, that is created, monitored & funded by a pool of common citizens who facilitate timely help to individuals, without excessive turn around time, or paperwork.
It is a one of a kind platform that enables common citizens, social workers, medical professionals & decision makers to come together to collectively identify, interact, verify & support needy individuals, directly, without the involvement of any intermediary or third party.
It is based on the belief that most people hold back from helping others, not because they lack the resources or the ability to contribute time or money, but because they are uncertain about whether their hard earned savings will, in fact, reach the deserving individuals.
LIVE TO GIVE is significantly different from conventional NGOs because all members are equal decision makers & all financial aid is handed over directly to needy individuals without it entering a pool account that makes it difficult for others to determine the end use of funds. There is absolutely no administration or overhead cost involved because the platform works on a simple principle – one half of the team identifies needy individuals, the other half helps them by contributing time or money.
Another USP of the model is that it emphasizes long- term support over a one time donation. As a result, volunteers not only make financial

contributions, but also divide themselves into various teams to ensure that there is a monthly, weekly, daily, and sometimes even an hourly follow up to check on those who have been aided through the platform. This follow up, very often, lasts a lifetime, for those who have nobody else to fall back upon.
LIVE TO GIVE impacts thousands of lives every single day without any financial or time commitments from its members. All you need is a simple mobile phone or a computer to start making a difference from the comfort of your home. Every country needs a LIVE TO GIVE because it takes a considerable load off from the government & puts citizens in charge of each other’s welfare.
WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. JOIN THE LIVE TO GIVE FORCE by sending a WhatsApp message to +919820084060 or emailing
Our Core Values
We value each person as an individual.
We operate in an honorable manner, by always putting the cause first.
We are committed towards our duties & social responsibilities.
We strongly believe in the power of humans to connect & help each other.
LTG Groups and What They Do
1) LIVE TO GIVE – Main group for all major cases (low notification group) medical appeals, education appeals, high value appeals of ration for larger groups of people. Group members mainly doctors, key NGO founders, on ground volunteers, students, housewives, business men, working professionals, administrators etc.
2) LIVE TO GIVE (ACTIVE) – High notification active group that consists of visually impaired social workers, donors, on ground volunteers, key NGO founders, students, housewives, business men, working professionals, administrators etc.
The visually impaired social workers identify and report cases of extreme need individuals who have ration or medical needs, donors commit to make bank transfers to ration shops wherever such an option is available. If the ration shop is far or not accessible, on ground volunteers physically deliver the ration or medicines. Cases here are smaller value, higher frequency cases that usually belong to individuals or single families. Message exchanges on this group are more active than the main group.
3) LIVE TO GIVE (SOS) – Volunteers help round the clock with hospital and ambulance bookings, plasma and blood donations as well as medicine and injection sourcing. Volunteers divide themselves into teams that call every single hospital in the city within a span of 15 minutes to check on bed availability so that the patient’s relatives are able to devote time and care to the patient instead of following up with hospitals and ambulances in their time of need.
4) LIVE TO GIVE (HERE TO STAY) – Volunteers help with prolonged support for every single hospitalization case facilitated through the SOS group. Volunteers call patients, treating doctors & family members twice a day for moral support and to ensure that there is seamless communication between the hospital & the patient’s relatives. Doctors on the group are requested to step in for situations when the family is unable to connect to the hospital or if they have any concerns or require second opinions about the line of treatment.
Furthermore, one of the key roles of this group is to be a lifelong support for those who have nobody to fall back upon. Volunteers are assigned to orphans or extreme need critically ill /specially abled individuals who are in touch with these individuals on a weekly or monthly basis and reports are generated and filled in daily about the progress and needs of these individuals.
5) LIVE TO GIVE (LEAD BY EXAMPLE) – This group comprises mainly of children of the members of LIVE TO GIVE groups who are encouraged from an early age to be inspired about starting their journey to give back to society. Social media related & certain verification related tasks are handed over to them under the supervision of mentors and seniors so that the kids may get a taste of giving from an early age.
6) LIVE TO GIVE (VERIFICATION) – This group consists of volunteers who verify every single case that has been put up on the LIVE TO GIVE groups either over the phone or in person depending upon the need. This group has medical social workers of various hospitals, doctors, psychiatrists,  and on ground volunteers who try to first direct needy appeals to government schemes for aid failing which they are diverted to the main group once all the verification criteria are met.Â
7) LIVE TO GIVE (500) – This is a low notification ‘Admin only’ group with only a couple of messages posted every month that specify details about the shortlisted case for the month and the end use of funds collected. This group aims at creating a pool of emergency funds for all those cases that remain unfunded on the main LTG groups by getting members to commit Rs. 500 every month that is transferred directly to beneficiary hospitals or nursing homes (commitments can be transferred monthly or annually) The funds collected through this group are only used to fund urgent medical, educational or life threatening emergencies.
8) LIVE TO GIVE (GEMS) – This is an informal, support group/ stress buster mentored by some of the core members of the group for anyone who is looking for positive conversations or needs a listening ear/ wants to share his feelings or open up. The topics in discussion are limited to 4 subjects only – Giving, Eating, Music & Spirituality (GEMS). The reason to restrict the discussion to a limited amount of topics is the belief that for many, the shortlisted topics are therapeutic and a breeding ground for positivity & transformation.
9) LIVE TO GIVE (BACK) – Went live in September 2020. This group is only for those who have been previously aided by any of the LIVE TO GIVE groups. The aim is to give them an opportunity to give back to others, the timely help and kindness that they once received from someone else.